brain boosting snacks

Ever found yourself in that familiar 4 pm haze, grappling with foggy thoughts and a growling stomach? The allure of a pick-me-up – usually coffee or sugary treats – can be irresistible. But here's the catch: while they seem to work at first, they often leave you even more fatigued, trapped in the blood glucose rollercoaster.

Why does this happen, you ask? In a nutshell, the more sugar you consume, the more you crave. It's a ride you don't want to be on, with fluctuating energy levels and sudden crashes.

Beyond affecting energy levels, high-sugar foods wreak havoc on your gut health and trigger inflammation throughout your body. And here's the kicker: your gut has a profound impact on brain function. It's where critical brain chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and GABA are produced – with serotonin alone contributing to mood regulation, appetite, and memory.

But what can throw off your gut health? Well, several things: processed foods, excess sugar or artificial sweeteners, pesticide residues on unwashed produce, certain medications, stress, and even poor dental hygiene.

Hydration is another key player in brain performance. Even mild dehydration can sabotage your cognitive abilities and contribute to increased stress and fatigue.

So, how do you combat the afternoon slump and maintain mental sharpness throughout the day? Let's start with nurturing your gut and steering clear of potential irritants. Next, ensure you don’t push your own limits and so always have something healthy to snack on nearby.

We love our brain powering smoothies and our protein bars along with lots of water.

Make sure you hydrate before you drink more coffee because often the caffeine doesn’t kick in as efficiently if you’re dehydrated.


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